Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My First Blog

Well, I did it.

I finally set up my first blog page. I always knew this was something I needed to add to my site, but never got around to doing it. I'm using Google's Blogger for this, which is easy enough to use, but doesn't quite fit in with the scheme of my site. There might be ways to tweak things in Blogger and if there are, I'll find them and get this page looking just right. Bear with me.

Of course, being the first blog entry I have ever written, it has to be perfect, right? I mean, it either needs to be funny and clever, deep and meaningful, or intelligent and insightful. It can't just be some random bunch of thoughts strung together in no particular pattern. It has to have punch. Style. Brilliance. It has to be thought provoking.

Well, sorry.

I know what I want this blog to do. I want it to mainly talk about the graphics industry today. I want to be able to tell some of the stories I've accumulated over the past 24 years. I want to give folks a head's up as to what's coming down the road graphics-wise. I want to give my opinions on certain matters, graphics and non-graphics related. But not today. Not on my first entry.

No, I've got plenty to say and nothing but time to say it in. I have client horror stories that sometimes seem impossible to believe. Like the guy in Illinois who complained very loudly about certain Christmas Carol illustrations I did for him. Or the time we had another office worker pretend to be a client, just so the customer working with me would finally take the hint and leave. Or the optometrist who didn't get the joke I played on him using the command-z keys. I've got many, many years of stories and opinions to jot down. And I hope you'll stay tuned and read what I write.

But not today.